
6 week Reset program.

Does any of the below ring true to you?

  • Hit 40 and realised that you’ve let your health go.
  • Have you put everyone and everything else first eg work, family, friends etc before your own health.
  • Do you fatigue easily and get out of breath quickly, even just walking up stairs.
  • Time poor
  • Find yourself making excuses for being stagnant
  • Realise you’ve been putting short term pleasures in front of long term health benefits
  • Have a hard time staying focussed

Fitness shouldn’t feel like a chore on top of all the other pressures that life throws at us. 15 minutes to an hour a day of exercise can reap benefits far more than we realise. It can also clear our mind and release tension, stress and anxiety. The attached program is a weekly plan to start you on the right path to prioritizing your health and fitness. Set your week up to start with 3-5 sessions a week at times that suit your schedule and on the rest days try just taking a 15 minute walk, walk the dog, swim, bike ride or stretch and meditate. Each week as you settle into your routine try challenging yourself by adding extra workout days and times or upping your reps in the sessions. Some weeks you may see rapid progress and others not as much but that’s all ok as long as you are moving forward.

Any questions I am available for you to message and will check in on you each week to see how your progressing. Lets go! Cheers Bomber
